Fairtrade Fortnight: Celebrating 30 Years

September 11th, 2024 | Business News


Why Fairtrade Matters

This year’s Fairtrade Fortnight celebration holds special significance. It marks 30 years since the first Fairtrade certified products appeared on supermarket shelves in the UK—a milestone that resonates deeply with us. For over a quarter of a century, we’ve been at the forefront of the ethical coffee movement, driven by a steadfast commitment to fairness, sustainability, and the well-being of the farmers who grow the coffee beans, and the other products we source. Fairtrade is more than a certification; it’s an integral part of our identity. We believe in the power of ethical sourcing to create positive change. By ensuring that the farmers who grow our coffee receive a fair price, we’re helping them build resilience against the challenges they face—from volatile market prices to the devastating effects of climate change.

A Legacy of Fairtrade Leadership

Our journey with Fairtrade began in 1997 when we became the first provider of Fairtrade espresso in the UK. Since then, we’ve sourced over 15,300 metric tonnes of Fairtrade produce, including coffee, cocoa, tea, and sugar. Through these efforts, we’ve contributed over £4.7 million in Fairtrade Premium over the last eight years alone. This premium goes directly to farmers and their communities, funding projects that improve education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. The impact of Fairtrade is far-reaching. It sets off a ripple effect that transcends individual farms, empowering entire communities. Fairtrade has helped send children to school, enabled women to take leadership roles, and supported reforestation projects that are crucial for the environment. It’s a testament to what can be achieved when consumers, businesses, and farmers work together towards a common goal: a fairer, more sustainable future.

Fairtrade farmer with Matthew Algie employee

Discover Our Fairtrade Range 

We take pride in offering a wide range of ethically sourced products, including our refreshing Suki Teas, indulgent hot chocolate from Chocolate Abyss and Fairtrade sugar. Each product is sourced with the same dedication to fair pricing, ethical practices, and community development. By choosing our Fairtrade range, you’re supporting farmers who receive fair wages. Explore all our Fairtrade products here.

30 Years of Fairtrade: A Time to Reflect and Act

As we celebrate 30 years of Fairtrade, it’s important to acknowledge both the progress we’ve made and the work that still lies ahead. The global food system remains deeply flawed, with power imbalances that often leave farmers at the mercy of market forces beyond their control. Fairtrade has shown us a better way, but there’s still much to do.

We’re proud to be part of this global movement. We believe that our role as a coffee roaster is not just to provide a product but to ensure that the journey from bean to cup is one that respects and uplifts the people behind it. As we look to the future, our commitment to Fairtrade remains as strong as ever. We will continue to champion fair prices, ethical practices, and sustainability, ensuring that the coffee you enjoy today helps build a better tomorrow for the farmers who grow it.

Join Us in Celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight is not just a time for reflection but a call to action. We invite you to join us in celebrating 30 years of Fairtrade by choosing Fairtrade products, spreading the word about the importance of ethical trade, and supporting the farmers who make it all possible. Together, we can continue to make a difference—one cup of coffee at a time.

Let’s raise our cups to 30 years of Fairtrade and to the next 30 years of positive impact. Here’s to a fairer, more sustainable world.

Read more about Fairtrade and how to join in the “Be The Change” movement at the Fairtrade website.